business operations

The pros and cons of hiring vs. outsourcing

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by   Influx Insights
May 29, 2024

Running a business can be unpredictable. Whether you’re aiming for growth or facing capacity constraints, the question inevitably arises: “Should I outsource or hire?”

It’s a tough decision, with each option offering different benefits and drawbacks. From navigating market fluctuations to managing operational complexities, the choice between outsourcing and hiring in-house can put anyone’s head in a spin.

Rest assured, we’ve uncovered the pros and cons to guide you through the outsourcing vs. hiring decision with confidence and clarity.

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Benefits of outsourcing

Understanding the pros of outsourcing is essential for determining whether it aligns with your business needs. Here are five reasons to consider outsourcing:

Operational efficiency

70% of outsourcing is for cost efficiency and better margins, making it the #1 reason businesses choose to outsource. A trusted partner will offer transparency in pricing that doesn’t include any setup or hidden fees. For example, Influx utilizes a pay-as-you-go pricing model on a month-to-month contract with all training and management included.

Focus on core business

Outsourcing non-core functions like customer support allows businesses to concentrate their resources and energy on core competencies. Customer support can be time-consuming. Delegating to an external partner means more time, energy, and resources to focus on things like growth.

Scale fast

Business is constantly in flux. Outsourcing offers the flexibility to scale services up or down to move with the volume, without the costs and risks associated with hiring or laying off employees.

Go global, 24/7

Outsourcing is a global industry that isn’t limited to one location. For example, Influx has a global team of 1,118 people (and counting) spread across over 123 cities.

Working with an outsourcing partner in a different time zone gives brands global reach and uninterrupted service with a 24/7, follow-the-sun model.

Maintain headcount with access to a larger talent pool

Outsourcing empowers businesses to tap into a vast and diverse talent pool beyond geographic constraints. Instead of being limited to hiring locally, companies can collaborate with experts from different corners of the globe.

Generate more 5-star reviews and higher CSAT

Partnering with a customer support outsourcing provider enhances a business’s ability to generate more 5-star reviews and achieve higher customer satisfaction by leveraging specialized expertise, scalable and 24/7 support, and advanced technologies. The combination of these factors leads to higher customer satisfaction and an increased likelihood of positive reviews.

See how brands work with Influx to increase customer satisfaction with high-quality support.

Benefits of hiring

Hiring in-house comes with its own set of advantages. Compare the following 5 hiring benefits with those of outsourcing to see which option is the best fit for your specific circumstance:

Foster long-term commitment

When employees are part of an in-house team, they typically develop a deeper sense of belonging and loyalty to the company. In-house teams may foster strong relationships and camaraderie among colleagues, creating a supportive work environment that enhances job satisfaction and retention.

Maintain more control

Hiring in-house provides businesses with more visibility and direct control over their operations compared to outsourcing. Though many outsourcing companies typically follow the direction and guidelines provided by their clients, outsourcing relinquishes a certain amount of control over a role and how it is performed.

Enhance team collaboration

Close proximity allows for spontaneous interactions and communication, facilitating quicker decision-making and problem-solving. Being part of the same organization encourages employees to build rapport and trust with colleagues, leading to more effective teamwork and cooperation.

Invest in employee development

Bringing talent in-house isn’t just about filling roles; it’s about nurturing growth and potential. With a supportive environment and access to resources, employees can flourish knowing their growth—whether it be continued education, additional training, or learning new skills—matters to the company.

Hire candidates of your choice

Hiring in-house gives businesses the freedom to select candidates who not only have the right skills and experience but also share the company’s values. Each employee helps to shape the identity and reputation of a brand. Additionally, hand-picking certain skills when hiring in-house is akin to assembling a ‘dream team’ tailored to propel the business toward its goals.

It is worth noting that a trusted partner like Influx gives you the choice of candidates. We pre-vet and pre-train all agents to pair you with experts who perfectly match your brand voice and values.

Drawbacks of outsourcing

While outsourcing offers numerous benefits, we’d be remiss not to mention the challenges and risks involved. Let’s delve into some of the key drawbacks that businesses may encounter when outsourcing certain functions or tasks.

Risk depending on external providers

Relying too heavily on outsourcing partners can pose challenges or make a business vulnerable. From fluctuations in service quality to changes in market conditions or unforeseen disruptions, a reliance on outsourcing can sometimes compromise a company’s agility and autonomy.

Potentially face communication challenges

Entrusting tasks to external partners can sometimes lead to misalignment or misunderstandings, particularly when navigating different time zones, languages, or cultural nuances. Transparency and proactive communication from both parties is vital.

A trusted partner will share weekly reports, daily check-ins, and be available through various channels like email, virtual meetings, and Slack for constant communication that is both active and transparent.

Loss of institutional knowledge

Outsourcing can be an opportunity to inject fresh perspectives and ideas into an organization. However, it comes with a risk of valuable knowledge leaving the organization. This can include knowledge about internal processes, customer preferences, industry trends, and best practices that have been refined and honed through years of hands-on experience.

An ideal solution is to find an outsourcing provider that acts as an extension of a business’s internal team. That way, the in-house team is still highly involved, but with an added layer of support.

Drawbacks of hiring

While hiring offers many advantages, it’s important to be aware of the potential challenges and limitations. Let’s explore some of the key drawbacks that businesses may face when bringing new employees on board.

Risk of attrition and turnover

One of the most significant concerns about hiring in-house is the risk of attrition and turnover. Looking at the numbers, the typical employee stays with a company for just over four years. Losing team members can disrupt workflows, dampen morale, and hinder productivity.

Plus, employee turnover is costly. The average cost of hiring a new employee reaches almost USD 4,700. Then, the employee needs onboarding and time to grow into the role. According to a Gallup report, a new employee takes around 12 months to become fully productive in their new role. That’s after a business has managed to recruit the new hire.

Lengthy recruitment of smaller candidate pools

Hiring new employees is time-consuming and incredibly competitive. According to a report from The Josh Bersin Company, the average time-to-hire rose to 44 days in 2023.

In certain industries or roles where remote work is not feasible, the talent pool may also shrink considerably, making it more difficult to find qualified candidates.

Limited flexibility

Overstaffing or understaffing? Neither is ideal, but finding the right workforce capacity balance is easier said than done.

When bringing talent in-house, companies invest not just in skills but in building a cohesive team culture and infrastructure. This commitment can be both a strength and a limitation.

Adjustments to staffing levels can be slower and more complex compared to outsourced partners who can rapidly scale up or down.

Administrative overhead

Hiring in-house often requires more administrative overhead compared to outsourcing, adding layers of responsibility and coordination to the hiring and management process.

While outsourcing can alleviate some of these administrative burdens, hiring in-house often involves a more hands-on approach to managing personnel and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.

Higher costs

Hiring in-house is more expensive, but within this drawback lies an opportunity to invest in the company’s most valuable asset: its people.

The list of costs when hiring in-house includes:

  • Recruitment and hiring expenses
  • Salaries
  • Employee benefits
  • Onboarding costs
  • Office space
  • Equipment and supplies
  • Training and development
  • Payroll processing

Plus, any additional expenses like employee engagement or HR support. While hiring in-house may require a larger upfront investment, it also offers the chance to build a dedicated team.

When to outsource vs hire

From a logistics perspective, many outsourcing companies offer month-to-month services with quick launch times and no long-term commitments. This flexibility can be particularly advantageous for businesses seeking to test the waters or explore new opportunities without making a significant upfront investment.

Ultimately, deciding between hiring in-house and outsourcing is like navigating a crossroads, each path offering its own set of opportunities and challenges. There is no right or wrong answer here, only what offers the most advantageous benefits for a business and its specific circumstances.

In summary:

Hiring in-house is about fostering a sense of ownership, and building a team that is deeply invested in the company’s mission and values. It’s an opportunity to cultivate a culture of collaboration, innovation, and shared purpose, where every employee plays a vital role in shaping the company’s future.

On the other hand, outsourcing opens doors to a world of specialized expertise and flexibility, allowing companies to tap into a global network of talent and resources. It’s about leveraging external partners to complement internal capabilities, driving efficiency, and scalability without compromising on quality.

Need immediate support?

Influx provides consistent, high-quality customer service in a simple, month-to-month format. Brands work with us to make their support teams fast and flexible, while maintaining standards.

We can get you up and running in a week or less. See how brands work with Influx to deliver exceptional customer support or get a quote now.

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Influx Insights

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