Full time agents & teams

Full time agents, dedicated to your brand, delivering exceptional support 24/7/365.

Start with 1 agent or a team of 30+. Flex up or down with month to month plans.

Teams improve automatically with dedicated CX managers, training and QA.

Working with brands from start up to enterprise

Outsourcing solutions that support growth


Customer support

Add speed, scale, and flexibility to your customer support operation, 24/7.

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Call centers

Enterprise grade, omni-channel support teams without the overhead.

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Sales teams

Grow your business faster with expert sales reps. Ready to go in 1 week.

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Multichannel support. Scalable on every channel.

Our teams are flexible and work quickly across all channels. Email, chat, voice, and even through social, like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and more. Deliver a scalable omnichannel experience that grows your business faster.

Ready to try Influx? Contact sales →

Stephanie, Customer Support, 1 yr with Influx

Case studies

See how companies work with Influx to deliver flexibility and scale.

24/7 coverage with a fully managed support team of 8 agents across 3 regions
76 agents resolve 250,000+ tickets per month with 24/7 coverage, surpassing KPIs
100% end-to-end omnichannel customer support in 6 languages across 7 platforms
Improved first response time by 10x while experiencing 16,954% growth via 24/7 support
24/7 dedicated support and burst coverage for 20,000 tickets via 30 agents

Deliver a fully flexible support experience built for growth.

See how Influx builds full-service, fully-managed customer solutions for growing businesses, everywhere.

Ready to try Influx? Contact sales →

Resources to scale customer support and offer great experiences

Customer Experience
What is customer empathy mapping? (And why it's important)
See how to master soft skills to build rapport: an interview
Why we launched 100% weekend support and how it works
Customer Support
Get 6 key strategies to scale your support team
Customer Support
Build or scale a diverse team of support agents for better CX

Ready to learn more? Let’s talk!

Hire full-service teams on demand

Make your support ops fast, flexible and ready for anything with experienced 24/7 support teams working month to month.